DigitalPack Global Customer Center
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Squirrly Support Contact Form

Completing this will help us provide better customer service for any of the Squirrly Company products

Having all the details about your current issue(s) is important.
Just a few very short steps in our initial form, to make sure we get all the information we require.
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Choose the Squirrly Company Product You Need Help With

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Did you deactivate ALL other plugins from your WordPress site before writing to us about this?

Deactivating all other plugins before reaching out to us is IMPORTANT, SEE VIDEO.
Most of the errors are caused by other plugins inside YOUR WordPress site.

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It helps us very much to know exactly which section of the product is causing problems or to know about which you're writing this support request for

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What is the URL of the Site or the Page on which you had the problem / suggestion?

Please input an URL
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Please let us know what are the current issues you're facing or how we can help.
Detail as much as possible

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Enter the exact email for which you've started your Squirrly SEO Account.
Find it in WordPress -> Squirrly SEO -> Overview

Please input a valid email
* required

We're super happy to get all the feedback from you

We'll get started as soon as possible. Work schedule (10 AM - 4 PM, London Time, United Kingdom | Mon to Fri)
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We'll get started as soon as possible. Work schedule (10 AM - 4 PM, London Time, United Kingdom | Mon to Fri)
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